Through the expressions from Rokudenashi, the gravity of situations is revealed to us and I cannot stress how much I love that. It is so adorable at times I could die, but she isn’t so overwhelming that as a story mechanic she drowns our main character out and breaks the pacing of the story. Rokudenashi has a few things like Tsunderes but unlike FullMetal Panic!, it uses it as an asset rather than feeling forced, almost like the creator genuinely chose this role for our character Sistine who is the text-book, surprised, “pretend to not be interested but begs for some sort of praise” archetype. I can’t recall off hand right now, but this is an anime that has tropes and formulas but doesn’t get dragged down by them, like for example, FullMetal Panic!, which I personally thought was terrible due to the character Chidori who was a forced Tsundere/overbearing character included to try and contrast the lead, but it broke the pace and character so many times that I’d rather cut a toe off than re-watch that. However, I feel like with words alone, I could not paint the picture your mind needs to witness to appreciate Rokudenashi. Images will be included in this review but fear not, they are spoiler free.
#Roku de nashi majutsu koushi to akashic records free
This is going to be spoiler free because I believe, for the most part, that the journey is the best aspect along with the conclusions you can’t have one without the other. Rokudenashi Majutsu Koushi to Akashic Records, which we’ll call Rokudenashi just because it’s so much easier to say it was beautiful in so many ways the subtlety, the violence, the hurt, the contrast of serious to funny - I’m going to say at this point that the anime is the season favourite with huge potential.