Our Highland Park Style Slab Saws and other lapidary tools are manufactured with this same commitment to quality and performance - at prices affordable to the beginner or the seasoned professional. Our first saw (acquired when we were age 10) was made by Highland Park Manufacturing and we greatly admire and respect the pioneering work they did in creating quality lapidary equipment that still can be found in operation today. We started manufacturing the Highland Park Style Slab Saw because we believe this design is the very best. We think a big reason for this is that equipment is simply too expensive and often too poorly built to enable a new enthusiast to be successful. Over the last 20 years we’ve seen the lapidary industry in the US shrink in size as less and less people have come into the hobby. Simple stated, our equipment is Built to Last a Lifetime™.

We design all our products in our shop in Texas and manufacture them in our factory in China staffed with our own employees who we personally manage to insure the highest quality every step of the way. You’ll see our 40+ year passion for lapidary when you experience our equipment and visit our other businesses The Rare Earth Trading Company (and Spheres To You (At Highland Park Lapidary we manufacture high performance slab saws, sphere cutting machines, specialized diamond tooling and oil cleaners. We feel it’s important to actually know something about cutting to design and build quality lapidary tools. It’s our passion for cutting that has led us to building equipment that enables many hours of pleasurable and productive cutting. Tucson Lapidary 1990 – 2022 © Schannep Ventures L.L.C.We love to cut rocks. In addition, they sell lapidary saws, shaping machines, and flat lap machines. For example, they currently produce a stainless steel cabbing machine. Consequently, this company also improves old ideas. Most importantly, this company uses reverse engineering to replicate some of the earlier equipment. Consequently, this new company’s name is Highland Park Lapidary, who manufactures similar equipment. In conclusion, I hope you find this information interesting and useful! It will take a little time to fully load… First of all, the 1969 Highland Park Lapidary Equipment Catalog Cover Secondly, includes the basic process of forming a cabochon Of course, large rock saws on Pages 2 & 3 In addition, here are Slab Saws on Pages 4 & 5 In fact, here are more Slab Saws Pages 6 and 7 Also, here are Trim Saws on Pages 8 and 9 In particular, here are Arbors on Pages 10 and 11 Additionally, here are Flat Laps on Pages 12 and 13 Also, here are Highland Park Flat Polishing Unit and Combination units Pages 14 and 15 Conversely, here are more machines on Pages 16 and 17 Then again, here are more Combination Units on Pages 18 and 19 On the other hand, here is faceting equipment on Pages 20 and 21 Also, here are more accessories on Pages 22 and 23 Additionally, here are discs on Pages 24 and 25 Also, here is a wet belt sander on Pages 26 and 27 In addition, here are Sphere Machine and tumblers Pages 28 and 29 Also, Flat Laps on Pages 30 and 31 To sum up, here are the final pages 32 & 33 Finally, here is the 1969 Highland Park Lapidary Equipment Catalog Rear Cover Most interestingly, there is a new company, who buys the trademark name.

Alternately, to view a 1970-71 catalog, please click HERE ⇒ Finally, c lick on any page for a magnified view.

Consequently, Faceting Machines, Congo Wheels and Expandable drums close out the catalog contents. Most interestingly, this catalog shows many different combination machines that include both polishing wheels and saw units. Secondly, this catalog features slab saws and trim saws available at the time. First of all, this vintage catalog demonstrates the basic process of forming a cabochon. Also, it offers helpful hints for your hobby from 1969. In this case, here is a rare and complete copy of Highland Park Lapidary Equipment Gem Cutting Equipment.